Nouns :

A Noun is a name of some specific thing or set of things, such as living creatures, objects, places, actions, qualities, states of existence, or ideas.
Bill Gates, Obama, Ramu, England, Book etc...

Classification of Nouns: 5 types

1) Common nouns :

It denotes common person, place or thing.

Person common nouns :
Girl, Singer, Actor, Boy, Doctor etc...
Place common nouns :
School, State, District, City etc...

2) Proper nouns:

It denotes a particular Person, place of thing
Shakespeare, Ashoka, India, London, Geta, Ramayan, Bible, Quran.

3) Collective noun:

It denotes a group of persons or other creatures and collection of things.

Family, Nation, Crowd, Bunch, Army, Bouquet, Heam, Parliament etc...
-: Army, Team, Class, Committee - Group of persons
-: Library, Bunch, Museum - Group of things
-: Class - Group of students

4) Material noun:

It denotes a substance of which things are made
Iron, Steel, Brass, Gold, Silver etc...

5) Abstract Nouns:

It denotes a quality, action or state something which we cannot see and touch.
Qualities : Honesty, Bravery, Wisdom, Kindness, Beauty, Innocence and more..

America is a wealthy Nation.
Delhi is the capital of India.
Money gives us many Comforts.
He returned from Canada last week.

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