Parts of Speech

1) Nouns :

A Noun is a word which names a person, place, animal, thing, action, event, substance, quality, quantity, feeling or anything that we can think of

1. Proper Noun: it denotes a particular Person, place of thing.
2. Common noun: it denotes common person, place or thing.
3. Collective noun: it denotes a group of persons or other creatures and collection of things.
4. Material noun: it denotes a substance of which things are made.
5. Abstract noun: it denotes a quality, action or state something which we cannot see and touch.

2) Pronouns :

Pronoun is a word which is used instead of noun( to avoid repetition of noun)

3) Verbs :

A Verb is a word which is used to express an action, possession or existence of subject.
Verbs show actions or states of being. Linking verbs, action verbs, and helping verbs are described on the page above.

4) Adjectives :

Adjectives describe, or modify , nouns and pronouns.
An adjective is a word which enlarges the meaning of noun or pronoun.

5) Adverbs :

An adverb is a word which enlarges (modifies) the meaning of a verb, an adjective or another adverb.
Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.

6) Prepositions :

Prepositions show the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and some other word in the rest of the sentence.

7) Conjunctions :

Conjunctions join two or more words, phrases, or clauses.

8) Interjections :

Interjections show excitement or emotion. They are not grammatically related to the rest of the sentence.

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